Thursday, May 20, 2010

What Makes a Kona Coffee Unique?

Kona Coffee from HawaiiIf you’ve heard the buzz about Kona coffee but aren’t sure what makes this coffee so unique and special, the answer is simple! Kona coffee is exclusively grown in a small area of the Big Island of Hawaii (In fact, the Hawaiians call this coffee “Kope”) that is rich in minerals from volcanic ash and has perfect weather for coffee bean cultivation. That combination makes Kona coffee have a unique flavor that can’t be replicated by other types of coffee. 

The area of the Big Island where Kona is grown is only forty square miles and produces only two million pounds of pure Kona a year, making Kona one of the rarest types of coffee available. The weather of the area features sunny mornings, clouds or light rain in the afternoon and mild nights. This means that the Kona beans get proper sunlight, proper moisture and are never exposed to harsh elements. Because the area of land in the Kona district is at the base of two volcanoes, the soil is porous and rich in minerals for ideal growth.

What is a Kona blend? 
Because Kona is so rare and often so expensive, many coffee retailers (including iCoffeeGourmet) offer 
Kona blends as well. These coffees combine a pure Kona with a Columbian or Brazilian coffee to make them more affordable while also giving consumers a Kona taste. Typically, these blends will be about 10% Kona beans. 

iCoffeeGourmet Kona Products
iCoffeeGourmet features three different Kona products for your pleasure. 

If you’d like to experiment with a 
Kona blend, we’ve got one! There’s also a Kona Greenwells that combines the flavor of Hawaiian macadamia nuts with it. Finally, Kona Fancy is our premium Kona coffee. 

If you’ve ever been to Hawaii and had a cup of Kona while watching the sun rise over the ocean, then these coffees will take you right back there. If you’ve never been, then trying a Kona coffee is a great way to replicate the vacation you’re dying to take! Either way, hang ten and enjoy some of Hawaii’s best. 

Whether you’re a newbie or a skilled barista, iCoffee Gourmet has everything you need and want to know about premium, organic, decaf or fair trade coffees, gourmet espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee makers or coffee grinders. Get yours today @ Remember to sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter to get digital coupons, specials, recipes, discounts, contests and much more.

Saturday, April 3, 2010

How to survive these changing times?

(think simple, but guilty pleasure)
Keep your guilty pleasures. Because it appears that when we treat ourselves to a little escape and indulgent convenience it may be not only good for our psychological health, but part of a good strategy to weather tough economic times. In fact, during times of recession, it is reported that though people may reduce spending overall, that they continue to find ways to escape, whether it be a night out to the movies, a new novel or music selection, or having their favorite food delivered. The trick is to simply find new experiences that deliver enjoyment while saving money. And we don’t have to look further than our love affair with gourmet coffee to show you new ways to indulge and renew your spirit, your senses and your pocketbook.

Keep your Guilty Pleasures, but Take Back your Budget 
Our small guilty pleasures help us to maintain our emotional balance during times of change. And there is a way to do this while saving money.  “There is a definite shift happening”, according to Specialty Coffee Association of America.  “Consumers are preparing more coffee at home while still trying to enjoy a quality cup, but the focus on quality remains strong”. This is being driven by consumers’ desire to still enjoy fine coffee, but save money where possible.

Shake Up the Daily Grind
Whether you plant something new in your garden or rearrange your furniture, find ways to introduce variety in order to see and appreciate your everyday world in new and interesting ways. Coffee lovers are rediscovering the joys of brewing gourmet coffee at home and now have the convenience of iCoffeeGourmet, an on-line coffee store offering over 250 hand selected coffees from all over the world. Many iCoffee drinkers take advantage of iCoffee Club which delivers a different variety to your  doorstep every month.

Stay True to You 
During times of uncertainty, variety energizes our outlook, but it’s the comfort of our individual rituals which anchor us and remind the day that we are in control. So honor your morning coffee ritual with quality ingredients and presentation.  Grind that fresh espresso and add your favorite flavored syrups. Keep what’s uniquely yours to help keep your head in the game. 

Reduce the Background Noise 
We could all benefit with one less thing to think about these days. Take advantage of on-line coffee delivery. iCoffeeGourmet finds the highest quality coffee beans for you, so you don’t have to comb through unknown or inferior brands at the grocery store. One more thing is checked off your list, off your mind and waiting for you on your doorstep. What a nice surprise!

Be free 
Coffee Bean International VP, Joe Prewett says, “Newly liberated from old purchasing patterns, coffee drinkers have consequently become very open-minded about discovering new resources for specialty coffee and equipment”.  You have to admit, there is something very freeing about not being one of the franchised masses. You can be your own iCoffee Gourmet and you deserve it.

Whether you’re a newbie or a skilled barista, iCoffee Gourmet has everything you need and want to know about premium, organic, decaf or fair trade coffees, gourmet espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee makers or coffee grinders. Get yours today @ Remember to sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter to get digital coupons, specials, recipes, discounts, contests and much more.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Coffee Break-Down

Loan money for Lattes?
Have we lost our minds? Comparing the cost of designer drive-through vs. iGourmet home brew.

College kids are dipping into their college loan funds to support expensive designer coffee habits. And they are not alone. We all rationalize these “small purchases”. Hey, what’s $4 when I need my afternoon pick up? But when you add all of these impulses up over the course of a week or a year, you see the crazy hit to your budget. For example, if you purchase a gourmet coffee and muffin every morning, over the course of one week, you could be spending $50-$70.  Up to $2,000 per year. Wow, vacation money. Who knew?

Start packing because you have gourmet coffee options that are at least 20 times less expensive. When you shift from by the cup to by the pound, here is how the savings break down:

A pound of gourmet coffee (16 Ounces or 1 Lb.) divided by 1 1/2 ounces comes to roughly 10 pots of 10 cups (6 Ounce cups) equaling 100 cups for the cost of one pound of gourmet coffee beans. At the average of 1.5 tablespoons per 6 ounce cup and average size of 12 ounce coffee mug, you can expect 50 cups of home brewed coffee per pound of gourmet beans.

iCoffee Gourmet’s per cup price ranges from about .12- .20 cents for the highest quality coffee from all over the world. It will definitely get you thinking about your next vacation. Enjoy.

Whether you’re a newbie or a skilled barista, iCoffee Gourmet has everything you need and want to know about premium, organic, decaf or fair trade coffees, gourmet espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee makers or coffee grinders. Get yours today @ Remember to sign up for our free monthly e-newsletter to get digital coupons, specials, recipes, discounts, contests and much more.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Recipes for Making Great Mochas

Depending on how we look at it, mocha coffee may be the tall drink made of coffee, cocoa and milk, often served with cream or, on the other hand mocha coffee may refer to the source.

Yemen is the source of true Mocha coffee. Some connoisseurs consider the Yemeni beans the best that money can buy. No doubt about it, for one reason or another, it is know the world over. Grown along steep terraced hillsides at an altitude of anywhere from 3,000 to 7,000 feet, the harvested fruit is a small, hard coffee bean.

The name itself originates from the Yemeni port town on the Red Sea. From the varieties available Mocha Sanani and Mocha Mattari are considered the finest. Due to the harsh hot dry climate, the coffee beans are as unique as its distinct taste. No doubt about it, authentic Mocha coffee is a pleasure to drink.

So, whilst many people may not be totally familiar with the origins of Mocha coffee, I think most people have heard about or tried and fallen in love with the drink.

Make your own Mocha coffee and enjoy the unique flavor and aroma

Mocha coffee is really easy to make and we are pleased to offer a couple of recipes to get you on your way. Basically all you need to do is add cocoa, sugar and milk to hot coffee, perhaps experiment with some other tastes and drink. Others prefer to actually mix the cocoa, sugar, milk and coffee in a saucepan and heat until it starts to simmer.

At this point, try adding a little vanilla extract. Pout into cups or glasses and top with whipped cream and cinnamon. The taste will surprise you, you will find the flavor wonderfully rich and very aromatic. In order to make things a little easier, these are the list of ingredients for two servings.

2 cups of coffee

1/3 cup of cocoa

2 cups of milk

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

1/2 cup of whipping cream

dash of cinnamon

Prepare the ingredients as mentioned above and the results will be a fantastic Mocha coffee that will put any coffee house's version to shame.

For more articles ranging from coffee beans to coffee making machines, just click over to All About Coffee Beans Remember, coffee is more than just a passion!
Article Source: Nicholas Webb
Whether you’re a newbie or a skilled barista, iCoffee Gourmet has everything you need and want to know about premium, organic, decaf or fair trade coffees, gourmet espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee makers or coffee grinders. Get yours today @

Friday, September 11, 2009

Choosing a Coffee Grinder

A coffee grinder is a must have for anyone who loves coffee, for tow simple reasons: freshness and control over the coarseness of the grind.
To keep coffee as fresh as possible you need to minimize it's contact with air. Air is one of coffees worst enemies as it destroys delicate flavors by turning the natural oils present in coffee rancid.
If you have a coffee grinder at home you can grind your coffee beans as you need them.This preserves their freshness, as a whole coffee bean has a much smaller surface area than that of a ground bean and therefore is less exposed to air.
The actual process of grinding releases many of the coffees aromatics; as you grind you can smell this in the air.If you don't quickly use these grounds then you are going to lose this aroma and deprive your cup of valuable flavors.This is another good reason to only grind coffee on demand.
Control Over The Coarseness Of Grind
Different coffee makers require a different coarseness of ground coffee. For example: an espresso machine, witch has a short brewing time (less than 30 sec.),needs a very fine powder-like grind; whereas a cafetiere, which has a long brewing time (3-4 min.), needs a much coarser grind. With your own coffee grinder you get to control the coarseness of the grind as you can adjust the grinders settings. So if you find your coffee taste bitter, a result of over-extraction, then you can adjust the grind to a coarser setting; and if your coffee tastes flat,a result of under-extraction,you can adjust the grind to a finer setting.

By James Grierson/AZ Golf Alive
Whether you’re a newbie or a skilled barista, iCoffee Gourmet has everything you need and want to know about premium, organic, decaf or fair trade coffees, gourmet espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee makers or coffee grinders. Get yours today @

Friday, August 28, 2009

Which Country Do you Want?

By Alice Lane

When you stop at you local grocery store to purchase your coffee, you may or may not know where it came from. People who are quite particular about their coffee tend to choose their country depending on witch region it was harvested.

Others simply want a cup that tastes good no matter where it comes from.All we know is that we thoroughly enjoy whatever your local fair trade coffee supplies provide use with.

The main coffee growing region are located in Central and South America, Central Africa and South East Asia. The countries in these regions supply the entire world with their java. The coffees from these regions each have their own distinct characteristics in their aroma and flavor, depending on how the beans have been processed.

Brazil is the largest green coffee suppliers on the market today. Vietnam and Colombia follow as second and third respectively. You may have also heard of Kona coffee, witch is grown on the big island of Hawaii, and is one of the most expensive and most sought after coffees today. Mexico, Uganda, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Jamaica, Indonesia, Kenya and Panama also produce coffee. Millions of people living in third world countries count on the java productions as their sole source of income.

Whatever you decide to drink, the next time you take a sip, savor the flavor and appreciate just how far that coffee traveled to get to your home. Coffee is consumed by nearly ninety precent of adults living in North America. So if you are one of those individuals how can't seem to get enough to this wonderful beverage, make sure to click on iCoffeeGourmet Coffee today for a wide selection and to buy coffee online.

Whether you’re a newbie or a skilled barista, iCoffee Gourmet has everything you need and want to know about premium, organic, decaf or fair trade coffees, gourmet espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee makers or coffee grinders. Get yours today @

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Is Coffee Going Green?

By Amy Kreydin

Coffee consumers are becoming more interested in knowing where their coffee beans are coming from and how fairly traded the products are. These concerns are driving the market to produce more organic and fairly traded coffee beans around the globe. From women-owned coffee plantation to worker-owned co-ops, green coffee is a growing trend.

The Scoop On Organic Coffee

Whether you want to reduce your impact on the earth or just avoid any nasty chemical residues in your morning cup of java, organic gourmet coffee is appealing.However, there are so many misconception about organic coffee that it's best to do a little research first.

Better For The Planet?

Fortunately for those who chose organic for eco-conscious reasons, these coffee really are earth-friendly.Certified organic coffee is grown without harmful chemical fertilizers and pesticides and utilizes sustainable crop rotation, which is healthier not only for the planet, but for those who live and work near coffee plantations.Many of these coffees are also"shade grown"or "bird friendly", meaning they`or grown in the forest shade where coffee naturally grows.No forests were cleared.Many fans of organic gourmet coffee find the traditional growing methods produce a more flavorful coffee.

Better For Your Health?

Organic gourmet coffee is certainly no worse then others, but getting the real health benefits is a little more complicated then the ads may suggest.
First of all, the fruit of the coffee tree absorbs most of the pesticides but that part is discarded and only the seed("bean")is used.Beans are then dried and roasted at the temperatures high enough to destroy most of the chemical residue,Problems occur when you buy beans that were roasted overseas.before coffee is allowed across the U.S. border, It's fumigated with chemicals.Sence it's already been roasted, there no further step to remove those chemicals before they end up in your cup.The solution?Buy green organic coffee beans and roast then at home.You may be surprised how affordable home roasters are.
Organic coffee is a treasure not only for it's flavor, but for the peace of mind you'll have knowing you java habit isn't harming the environment or loading up with carcinogens.Even better, if you look around a little, you'll be able to find organic coffee for a price comparable to that of any other coffee. We all need an affordable treat now and then and for me it's gourmet coffee.

Whether you’re a newbie or a skilled barista, iCoffee Gourmet has everything you need and want to know about premium, organic, decaf or fair trade coffees, gourmet espresso beans, espresso machines, coffee makers or coffee grinders. Get yours today @